Tohoku Univ., RIEC, Nation-wide Cooperative Research Projects
Leaders: Akira Hiorse (The University of Tokyo), Shigeo Sato (Tohoku University)
November 9-10, 2018, RIEC, Tohoku University
November 9 (Fri), 2018
13:30 - 13:55@Akira Hirose, Ryosho Nakane, Gouhei Tanaka, "Reservoir
Computing: The Use of Spin Waves Excited in a Garnet Film g
13:55 - 14:20@Soshi Shimomura, Akira Hirose, gGround
penetrating radar system based on time-domain phase adaptive processing
and complex-valued self-organizing map"
14:20 - 14:50@Tetsuro Itami, Nobuyuki Matsui, gBrownian motion in molecular robotsg (Invited)
14:50 ? 15:10@ (coffee break)
15:10 - 15:35@Isao Yamada, Masao Yamaghisi, gHierarchical convex
relaxation for Cortes-Vapnik problem and its solutions in support vector
15:35 - 16:00@Hiroki Kuroda, Masao Yamagishi, Isao Yamada,
"Exploiting Sparsity in tight representations for identification of
hybrid systems"
16:00 - 16:25 Yasuaki Kuroe, gSensitivity analysis method in a class of
cyber-physical systems and its application for optimization"
16:25 - 16:50 Tohru Nitta, Masaki Kobayashi, Danilo P. Mandic, gOn the
equivalence between hypercomplex widely linear estimation and its real
vector counterpart"
November 10 (Sat), 2018
9:30 ? 9:55 Eckhard Hitzer, gGeometric transformations of conics in geometric
9:55-11:20 Free discussion: High-dimensional neural networks -- Project Future Plan