IJCNN Tutorial "In-Material Physical Computing"

Organizers: Takuya Matsumoto; Tsuyoshi Hasegawa; Hirofumi Tanaka; Ryosho Nakane; Seiya Kasai; Akira Hirose

Abstract: This tutorial will provide an introduction to "computing based on material", which utilizes the inherent structure and properties in materials to perform in-situ environmental recognition such as speech and text. The talks will be given by leading researchers in a wide range of fields, from theoretical background to applications to devices and robotics using inorganic, organic, and nanomaterials. This tutorial contains six talks: 1. Overview – theory and applications, 2. Physical computing based on dynamics in analog electronic devices and circuits, 3. Reservoir computing with spin waves: how to leverage waves in materials, 4. Electrolyte-based physical reservoir computing, 5. Molecular physical computing, 6. Material physical reservoir computing with chemical dynamics.
2024年6月30日から7月5日にかけて開かれるIEEE 計算知能国際会議(ECCI) Yokohama において、チュートリアル In-Material Physical Computing" を次のように催す。
We are going to hold a tutorial session "In-Material Physical Computing" in IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI) 2024 Yokohama, June 30 - July 5, 2024 as follows.

<<Tutorial "In-Material Physical Computing" in IEEE WCCI 2024 Yokohama>>