15 September 2020: Deadline for manuscript submission
1 December 2020: Reviewer’s comments to authors
15 May 2021: Submission deadline of revision
15 June 2021: Final decisions to authors
15 August 2021: Publication date

Gouhei Tanaka, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Claudio Gallicchio, University of Pisa, Italy
Alessio Micheli, University of Pisa, Italy
Juan-Pablo Ortega, University of St. Gallen
Akira Hirose, The University of Tokyo, Japan

CFP copy (PDF)
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systemsの特集号を企画した。

「超高効率リザバー コンピューティングのニュー フロンティア」

Special Issue in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System:

"New frontiers in extremely efficient reservoir computing"

<<IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems>>
<<Special Issue on New Frontiers in Extremely Efficient Reservoir Computing>>

15 September 2020