2018年8月1-4日に富山国際会議場およびANAクラウンプラザ富山で開催された第40回電磁界理論の進歩国際会議にて3日(金)、Young Scientist Award および Best Student Paper Award(第3位)を 下村颯志 が受賞した。
Soshi Shimomura received the Young Scientist Award and also the Best Student
Paper Award (BSPA) 3rd Prize in 40th Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2018 Toyama, 1-4 August 2018, held at Toyama International Conference Center
and ANA Crowne Plaza Toyama.
Paper: Soshi Shimomura and Akira Hirose, "Adaptive Subsurface Visualization
System Using Phase Retrieval Method and Complex-valued Self-organizing
<<Soshi Shimomura received the Young Scientist Award and the Best
Student Paper Award (3rd Prize) in PIERS 2018 Toyama>>
3 August 2018