研究概況 2010
Activities 2010
1 対人プラスチック地雷可視化システム
廣瀬 明・江尻礼聡
現在、地中レーダを利用した埋設地雷の可視化方法の研究が活発に行われている。われわれのグループもこれまでに、複素自己組織化マップ(Complex-valued self-organizing map: CSOM)を利用する新しい地中レーダを利用したシステムを提案している。そのシステムの概要は、空間領域および周波数領域の複素テクスチャに着目してその特徴量を抽出し、これを複素自己組織化マップにより適応区分して、地雷埋設箇所を可視化するものである。これまでに、さまざまな困難な場合での可視化に成功している。しかし、空間テクスチャと周波数テクスチャという2つの異なるモードの情報統合のあり方については、それが必ずしも最適化されているわけではなかった。今年度は、取得されたデータから自己組織的に地雷の概念を構築してゆくと同時に、これら2つの異なるモードの情報を統合してゆく方法を提案した。概念構築方法として、相互情報量により修飾された自己組織化マップを提案した。
2 ミリ波・マイクロ波イメージング
廣瀬 明・ラデンアマド ダムリ・小野島 昇吾
アクティブなミリ波イメージングは、広範な応用が期待されている。しかし、ミリ波回路は一般的に損失が大きく、またアンプは高価になりがちであるって、特にアレイ化に際して問題になる。低損失で安価なミリ波フロントエンドを実現するために、EPD方式などが提案されている。それは、アンテナで受信した後すぐに検波を行うものでありミリ波アンプを持たず、回路全体として高感度が望まれる。本論文でわれわれは、フィンが厚いバルク直線テーパスロットアンテナ(bulk TSA)を用いる高感度なミリ波イメージング用フロントエンドを提案する。TSAが低インピーダンスであるため、受信パワーを大きくできる。実験により、フィン厚1mmのTSAを用いるEPDでは、従来型フィンによるTSAに比べて22dB高い感度が得られた。フロントエンドの特性を数値的に解析する。また、イメージングシステム用にアレイ化する際の構成をシミュレーションにより検討し、スタック型よりも共平面型の方が高いアイソレーションを実現することが確認された。
3 合成開口レーダ
廣瀬 明・夏秋 嶺
人工衛星や航空機のような、搭載できるアンテナのサイズに制限がある環境で高分解能を得るための技術として、合成開口レーダ(SAR) が挙げられる。特に干渉合成開口レーダ(InSAR) は、地震や火山による地形変動などを観測する際の重要な技術であり、近年積極的に研究がなされている。InSARの干渉画像は、同一地域を2箇所ないしは時間を置いて2回観測して得られた、 master と slave とよばれる2つの複素振幅データを用い、お互いの位相差を取ることによって得られる。この干渉画像の周期性を解消することでデジタル地形図(Digital Elevation Model: DEM) が得られる。標高は本来保存場であるはずだが、実際の干渉画像には位相特異点(Singular Point: SP)と呼ばれる回転成分を持つ地点が多数存在し、正確な DEMの作成における深刻な障害となっている。本年は、より正確な干渉画像を作成する手法として干渉像中の SP の数を指標にした新しい位置合わせと、振幅情報を元に崖の位置を推定し、その崖を再現するのに必要なSPを残す方策を提案した。具体的には、位相特異点数を指標とした位置合わせ手法、およびShape-from-Shadingを応用した振幅情報からの崖の推定を提案した。提案手法を用いた干渉画像をアンラップしたDEMのSN比には、改善が認められた。
4 アダプティブ アンテナ システム
廣瀬 明・小沢章太郎
5 高機能アンテナ素子
廣瀬 明・ヴェルナー シュテフェン・馬場貴弘
6 フラクショナル ブラウン運動の生成と利用
廣瀬 明・ダヌディルジョ ドニー
フラクショナル ブラウン運動(fractional Brownian motion: fBm)は、自然界のさまざまな現象を記述するモデルとして有効であり、その生成についてもさまざまな研究が行われている。今年度は2次元あるいはそれ以上の次元のfBm新たな生成方法として、巡回埋め込みによる生成アルゴリズムを提案した。巡回埋め込みについては、1次元のfBmの場合にはすでに報告例があるが、これを2次元に拡張することはこれまで簡単ではないと考えられてきた。われわれはこれを、最終目標fBmの2次の差分を考えることによりラプラス方程式を周波数領域で解く問題に帰着させ、厳密解を得ることに成功した。2次元以上の多次元に容易に拡張可能なこととも、この解法の利点である。数値実験により、理論統計通りの性質を持つfBmが低い計算コストで生成されることを示した。
7 ニューラルネットワークのダイナミクスの基礎解析
廣瀬 明・吉田昭太郎・メルチャン ヘマ
1 Antipersonnel Plastic Landmine Visualization System
A.Hirose and A.Ejiri
The complex-valued self-organizing map (CSOM) realizes an adaptive distinction between plastic landmines and other objects in landmine visualization systems. Previously we developed our walled linearly tapered slot antenna (walled LTSA) to construct a high-density array. We conducted field experiments to confirm the high ability to visualize plastic landmines buried in laterite soil. This year we proposed a concept generation method using multiple self-organizing maps (SOMs) for a landmine visualization system where we integrate two modal information (space- and frequency- domain texture) by considering their mutual information. Our method makes clusters of landmine information in their space- and frequency-SOMs that interact with each other based on their mutual information.
2 Millimeter wave and microwave imaging for antiterrorism screening
A.Hirose, D.Radenamad and S.Onojima
Millimeter-wave (MMW) active imaging has potentially a variety of applications. However, MMW circuits are often lossy and amplifiers are costly, which is a serious problem in particular in arrays using many front-end circuits in parallel. To overcome this point, there have been some proposals such as the envelope phase detection (EPD) method where MMW is directly detected without amplification just after received at the antenna. To realize a high sensitivity, this paper proposes a MMW imaging front-end using a bulk tapered slot antenna (bulk TSA). Since bulk TSAs possess an intrinsically low impedance characteristic, we can obtain a high detection power. Experiments demonstrate that a front-end using 1mm-thick TSA achieves 22dB-higher sensitivity than a conventional circuit using 0.06$\mu$m TSA. We analyze the front-end numerically to elucidate its characteristics. We also investigate array configurations to find that a coplanar arrangement exhibits higher isolation than a stacked configuration.
3 Synthetic Aperture Radars
A.Hirose and R.Natsuaki
Theoretically, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferogram should be a conservative field which mirrors the geologic distribution. However, actual interferograms contain a mass of rotational points named singular points (SPs). They prevent creating accurate digital elevation model (DEM). We think that many singular points indicate the local distortion in the interferogram. To solve this problem, we proposed local coregistration and phase correction by using amplitude information. The signal-to-noise ratio has increased by this method.
4 Adaptive Antenna System
A.Hirose and S.Ozawa
Channel prediction is one of the most important issues for dealing with fading environment. If a future channel response is predicted, adaptive techniques such as pre-equalization and beam forming can be employed before transmission in order to avoid the degradation of communication quality. This year we proposed a highly accurate method to predict time-varying channels by using a linear prediction of Fourier-domain channel parameters. The method combines frequency-domain and time-domain techniques. Simulation assuming a time division duplex (TDD) system demonstrates that the proposed method predicts varying channels very accurately. The paper also presents the dependence of the prediction error on the length of observation window and on the distance between scatterers. It is found that our method reduces the prediction error even when the scatterers are located very closely.
5 Highly functional antenna elements
A.Hirose, S.Werner and T.Baba
Conventional rod antenna arrays exhibit considerable mutual coupling, which limits or degrades the performance of many systems. In the scope of this work we propose a dielectric particle that is placed between the antenna elements and lower the mutual coupling by more than 20dB compared to conventional arrays. The designed particle shows a broadband isolation effect that has a fractional bandwidth of more than 15%. Moreover, the particle can provide an enhanced matched environment and a largely maintained radiation pattern as well as gain compared to a conventional array.
6 Generation and application of fractional Brownian motion
A.Hirose and D.Danudirdjo
Fractional Brownian motion (fBm) is a useful model to represent various natural phenomena and its synthesis has been a topic of interest in literature. We presented an algorithm to generate two-dimensional fBm based on circulant embedding method. Although this method has been proven in simulating one-dimensional fBm, its extension into two-dimensional is not straightforward. To solve the problem, we use circulant embedding as an exact method to synthesize the second-order increments of fBm, and recover the desired fBm via integration in frequency domain. The advantage of using second-order increments is its direct extensibility to any dimension. Experimental results show that the proposed method works efficiently fast and offers acceptable results when compared to the theoretical statistics of fBm.
7 Fundamental analysis of neural network dynamics
A.Hirose, S.Yoshida and Gema M.F.Merchan
Generalization is one of the most important functions of neural networks. We compared the generalization characteristics in complex-valued and real-valued neural networks. Assuming that a network deals with wave-related data, we paid attention to the generalization variation dependent on the degree of wave nature. We considered feedforward layered neural networks in complex and real domains. To elucidate the operation difference in the domains, we investigated a simple case where the networks function for function approximation or filtering of temporal signals. Computer experiments demonstrated that the generalization ability of the complex-valued neural network is better than that of real-valued one in particular when the signal possesses higher degree of wave nature.
Publications List
[1] A.Hirose, "Nature of complex number and comlex-valued neural networks," Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China, 6, 1 (2011) 171-180
[2] R.Natsuaki A.Hirose, "SPEC method - A fine co-registration method for SAR interferogram," IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing," 49, 1 (2011) 28-37
[3] Y.Nakano A.Hirose, "Adaptive identification of landmine class by evaluating the total degree of conformity of ring-SOM," Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, 12, 1 (2010) 23-28
[4] D.Radenamad T.Aoyagi A.Hirose, "Low impedance bulk LTSA," Electron. Lett., 46, 13 (2010) 882-883

[5] S.Werner L.Vietzorreck A.Hirose, "Two-element particle isolator to reduce mutual coupling in rod-antenna arrays," Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) 2010 Yokohama, Proc. (Dec. 7-10, 2010, Yokohama) 1581-1584
[6] T.Baba A.Hirose, "Planar wideband adaptive antenna consisting of radially arrayed multiple taper-slot antenna elements having wide fins," Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) 2010 Yokohama, Proc. (Dec. 7-10, 2010, Yokohama) 738-741
[7] S.Ozawa S.Tan A.Hirose, "Channel Prediction Experiment Based on Linear Prediction in Frequency Domain," Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) 2010 Yokohama, Proc. (Dec. 7-10, 2010, Yokohama) 1280-1283
[8] D.Radenamad A.Hirose, "Optimization of Microstrip-to-slot Transition for Ultra-wideband Bulk LTSA," Int'l Conf. on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP) 2010 Macao, Proc. (Nov., 23-26, 2010, Macao) Paper 122
[9] Y.Nakano A.Hirose, "Adaptive identification of landmine class by evaluating the total degree of conformity of ring-CSOM weights in a ground penetrating radar system," Int'l Conf. on Neural Inform. Processing (ICONIP) 2010 Sydney, Proc. (Nov., 22-25, 2010, Sydney) Th10.30-Rm38
[10] A.Hirose A.Ejiri K.Kitahara, "Ground penetrating radar system with integration of mutimodal information based on mutual information among multiple self-organizing maps," Int'l Conf. on Neural Inform. Processing (ICONIP) 2010 Sydney, Proc. (Nov., 22-25, 2010, Sydney) 415-422
[11] S.Ajisaka S.Nakamura H.Hashimoto K.Takiguchi A.Hirose, "Human Body Position Estimation System using Electric Field," Int'l Conf. on Control, Automation, and Systems (ICCAS) 2010 Goyang, Proc. (Oct. 27-30, 2010, Goyang) TA0-5
[12] S.Nakamura S.Ajisaka H.Hashimoto K.Takiguchi A.Hirose, "Electric-field resonance coupling between human and transmitter for human position estimation system," Int'l Conf. on Control, Automation, and Systems (ICCAS) 2010 Goyang, Proc. (Oct. 27-30, 2010, Goyang) TA0-2
[13] A.B.Suksmono A.Hirose, "Numerical reconstruction of holographic microscopy images based on matching pursuits on a pair of domains," Int'l Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP) 2010 Hong Kong, Proc. (Sept. 26-29, 2010, Hong Kong) WP.L5.8
[14] R.Natsuaki A.Hirose, "Enhancement of filtering performance by local and nonlinear co-registration in InSAR processing," Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC) 2010 Toyama, Proc. (Sept. 22-26, 2010, Toyama) FP-20
[15] S.Ozawa S.Tan A.Hirose, "Errors in Channel Prediction Based on Linear Prediction in Frequency Domain (Young Scientist Award Finalist)," Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC) 2010 Toyama, Proc. (Sept. 22-26, 2010, Toyama) FBC-4
[16] T.Aoyagi D.Radenamad Y.Nakano A.Hirose, "Complex-valued self-organizing map clustering using complex inner product in active mmillimeter-wave imaging," Int'l Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2010 Barcelona, Proc. (July 18-23, 2010, Barcelona) 1346-1351 (Runner-up Best Student Paper Award)
[17] Y.Nakano A.Hirose, "Taper-walled LTSA: A low direct-coupling antenna for subsurface imaging," Int'l Conf. on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) 2010 Lecce, Proc. (June 21-25, 2010, Lecce) PR_248
[18] A.Hirose, "Recent progress in applications of complex-valued neural networks (invited)," Int'l Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Sof Computing. (ICAISC) 2010 Zakopane, Proc. (June 13-17, 2010, Zakopane) Invited Talk
[19] A.Hirose, "Merits of complex-valued neural network processing (invited)," Int'l Workshop on Intelligence Science and Intelligent Data Engineering (ISciDE) 2010 Harbin, Proc. (June 3-5, 2010, Harbin) Invited Talk Session 2

[20] 廣瀬明:「複素ニューラルネットワーク(特集解説)」、電気学会論文誌C、131, 1 (2011) 2-8.

[21] 小沢章太郎 タン・ソフヤン 廣瀬明: 高速フェージング環境におけるチャネルパラメータの線形予測、信学会電磁界理論研究会、EMT10-103 (Nov. 11, 2010, Inawashiro)
[22] 夏秋嶺 廣瀬明:位相特異点と振幅を利用したSAR干渉画像の修正、信学会電磁界理論研究会、EMT10-121 (Nov. 11, 2010, Inawashiro)
[23] 馬場貴弘 廣瀬明:幅広フィンによる平面型テーパスロット広帯域指向性アンテナの提案、信学会電磁界理論研究会、EMT10-124 (Nov. 11, 2010, Inawashiro)
[24] ラデンアマド・ダムリ 廣瀬明:マイクロストリップとスロットをつなぐ2つのビアによる広帯域バルクLTSAのためのバランの提案、信学会電磁界理論研究会、EMT10-125 (Nov. 11, 2010, Inawashiro)
[25] 廣瀬明 吉田昭太郎:波動的なデータを扱う際の複素ニューラルネットワークの汎化特性、信学会ニューロコンピューティング研究会、NC2010-179 (March 8, 2011, Tokyo)
[26] 江尻礼聡 北原邦紀 廣瀬明:相互情報量を利用した複数SOMによる概念形成、FANシンポジウム、OS16-17 (Sept. 26, 2010, Tokyo)
[27] 小沢章太郎 タン・ソフヤン 廣瀬明:周波数領域でのチャネルパラメータ線形予測に基づくチャネル予測の実験的検討、2011信学総大、B-1-31 (Mar. 14, 2011, Tokyo)
[28] 馬場貴弘 廣瀬明:放射状に配置された銀杏型フィンによる平面広帯域指向性アンテナ、2011信学総大、B-1-216 (Mar. 17, 2011, Tokyo)
[29] 夏秋嶺 廣瀬明:振幅情報も用いたSAR干渉画像の局所的位置合わせによる歪み解消、2011信学総大、B-2-41 (Mar. 16, 2011, Tokyo)

[30] A.Hirose Y.Nakano, "Applications of complex-valued self-organizing maps to ground penetrating radarimaging systems," Self-organizing maps: New achievements, In-Tech (January 2011) 323-338, ISBN 978-953-307-546-4

[31] A.Hirose, "Neural network systems for intelligent imaging," Japan-Taiwan Cooperation Meeting at National Chiao Tung University (Oct. 27, 2010, Hsinchu)
[32] D.Mandic I.Aizenberg A.Hirose, "Complex-valued neural networks: Theory and applications (Tutorial)," Int'l Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2010 Barcelona, Proc. (July 18-23, 2010, Barcelona) Tutorial T-21
[33] 廣瀬 明:「五感」情報処理・ニューラルネットワーク処理とマイクロエレクトロニクス、第37回STARCアドバンスト講座 システムアーキテクチャセミナー 〜 異分野に学ぶ システムアーキテクチャ技術開発の将来 〜 (July 15, 2010, Yokohama)
[34] A.Hirose, "Neural networks and microelectronics" Japan-Taiwan Cooperation Meeting at NCKU(April 21, 2010, Tainan)
[35] A.Hirose, "Neural networks and microelectronics," Japan-Taiwan Cooperation Meeting at NCTU (April 20, 2010, Hsinchu)
[36] A.Hirose, "Neural network systems for intelligent imaging," Japan-Taiwan Cooperation Meeting at National Chiao Tung University (Oct. 27, 2010, Hsinchu)

[37] 廣瀬明 今野裕也:画像処理装置及び画像処理プログラム、特許出願、特願2010-157514

[38] T.Aoyagi D.Radenamad Y.Nakano A.Hirose, "Runner-up Best Student Paper Award, for "Complex-valued self-organizing map clustering using complex inner product in active mmillimeter-wave imaging," Int'l Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2010 Barcelona (21 July 2010), IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS)
[39] S.Ozawa S.Tan A.Hirose, "Student Paper Competition Finalist for "Errors in Channel Prediction Based on Linear Prediction in Frequency Domain," URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC) 2010 Toyama, (10 September 2010) Union