KES 2003 Oxford: Special Session on
"Complex-valued Neural Networks: Theories and Applications"
Organizer: Akira Hirose, The University of Tokyo (7 papers in total)

"Qubit Neural Network and its efficiency"
Noriaki Kouda, Nobuyuki Matsui, Haruhiko Nishimura, Ferdinand Peper
Himeji Institute of Technology, Japan, Hyogo University of Education, Japan, CRL, Japan

"Performance of Adaptive Beamforming by Using Complex-Valued Neural Network"
Andriyan Bayu Suksmono, Akira Hirose
Institut Teknology Bandung, Indonesia, The University of Tokyo, Japan

"Quaternion Neural Network and Its Application"
Teijiro Isokawa, Tomoaki Kusakabe, Nobuyuki Matsui, Ferdinand Peper
Himeji Institute of Technology, Japan, CRL, Japan

"Building up of a Pen Oriented Human-Software Interface with Complex-Valued Spiking Machines"
A.Ardouin, N.Brouard, C.Moreau, R.Plouvier, S.Rouchy, G.Vaucher
Supelec, ETSN, France, France Telecom R&D, DMR, France

"Pitch-Asynchronous Overlap-Add Waveform-Concatenation Speech Synthesis by Using a Phase-Optimizing Neural Network"
Keiichi Tsuda, Akira Hirose
The University of Tokyo

"A Data-Reusing Gradient Descent Algorithm for Complex-Valued Recurrent Neural Networks"
Su Lee Goh, Danilo P. Mandic
Imperial College of Science, United Kingdom

"Some Properties of the Network Consisting of Two Complex-Valued Nagumo-Sato Neurons"
Iku Nemoto
Tokyo Denki University

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