2020年2月20日、東北大学電気通信研究所にて、「2019年度共同プロジェクト発表会、新世代ICTの羅針盤〜通研共同プロジェクトからのメッセージ〜」が開催され、リザバーコンピューティング デバイスに関する招待講演を田中剛平特任准教授(廣瀬明の代理)が発表を行った。

Gouhei Tanaka (Akira Hirose),
"High-dimensional neurodynamics and its applications in neuro-based hardware"
Tohoku University RIEC held a symposium "Center for Nation-Wide Cooperative Research on ICT, FY 2019 RIEC Annual Meeting on Cooperative Research Projects, Compass for Next-Gen ICT ~Message from RIEC Nation-Wide Cooperative Research Projects.~ Gouhei Tanaka (b.p. Akira Hirose) presented the project work summary.
Gouhei Tanaka (Akira Hirose),
"High-dimensional neurodynamics and its applications in neuro-based hardware"

<<Center for Nation-Wide Cooperative Research on ICT>>
<<FY 2019 RIEC Annual Meeting on Cooperative Research Projects>>
<<Compass for Next-Gen ICT ~Message from RIEC Nation-Wide Cooperative Research Projects~ (Dec. 2019) >>

20 February 2020